A Response to Lapavitsas “The case for Grexit”

My former colleague Costas Lapavitsas published a piece in Le Monde Diplomatique arguing in favour of Grexit. While I respect Costa’s academic work (his public appearances and pronouncements do not do justice to his research output) I disagree with him. What follows is a point by point deconstruction of his argument. Costas considers Greece dysfunctional andContinue reading “A Response to Lapavitsas “The case for Grexit””

Why Rupture is NOT an option, by Kostas Chryssogonos

Δημοσιοποίηση της από 19 Μαρτίου 2015 επιστολής του Κώστα Χρυσόγονου προς τον Πρωθυπουργό ΔΕΛΤΙΟ ΤΥΠΟΥ Βρυξέλλες – 29/06/2015 Με μεγάλη μου λύπη υποχρεώνομαι να δώσω σήμερα στη δημοσιότητα την από 19 Μαρτίου 2015 επιστολή μου προς τον Πρωθυπουργό, στην οποία δεν έχω λάβει καμία απάντηση παρά την πάροδο τριών και πλέον μηνών. Στην επιστολή εκείνηContinue reading “Why Rupture is NOT an option, by Kostas Chryssogonos”

Does a Greek exit from the Euro mean an exit from the EU?

Today the Bank of Greece published its Report on Monetary Policy (see here for summary in English) where Stournaras dropped the following bombshell: Failure to reach an agreement would, on the contrary, mark the beginning of a painful course that would lead initially to a Greek default and ultimately to the country’s exit from theContinue reading “Does a Greek exit from the Euro mean an exit from the EU?”

Reality is an ideological construct, or is it Mr Tsipras?

Do you remember those old Warner Bros cartoons where the coyote has run off the edge of the cliff, but his legs are still turning, and gravity has not sucked him down yet? This is what this week feels like for Greece. Greece had taken its first step off the cliff when they failed to makeContinue reading “Reality is an ideological construct, or is it Mr Tsipras?”

Syriza, the Holy Bones and the Lost Faith

I always had trouble with faith, in everything and especially politicians (in Greece and abroad). At the end of 2014 though I tried to believe that things could be different. I tried to believe that Syriza could bring about some change for the better in Greece. Having researched and written about the Greek crisis sinceContinue reading “Syriza, the Holy Bones and the Lost Faith”

Basta Yani ! The good fight has been fought, but it is time to stop.

This is an open letter to Syriza in general and Yanis Varoufakis in particular. Yani, I (like many academics abroad) have supported you when you ran as a candidate in the 25.1.15 election and congratulated you on your election and your subsequent ministerial position. I support your analysis and have written along very similar linesContinue reading “Basta Yani ! The good fight has been fought, but it is time to stop.”